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What Are the Penalties for Violating Philadelphia Zoning Laws?


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You’re a real estate investor or hoping to become one. You’ve researched, talked to the right people, and you’re just trying to figure out all the logistics and details that you need to know in order to legally invest in real estate in Philadelphia.

Anyone looking to invest in real estate in Philadelphia needs to know that the city has zoning laws, these make it possible to maintain safe and healthy conditions in existing structures and properties, ensuring the safety of the public.

The Philadelphia zoning laws actually allow the city to enter and inspect any properties in order to ensure that zoning laws are being followed, even the properties that carry a zoning permit. If you are going to invest in real estate, don’t be tempted to skimp on the laws. Doing so carries steep penalties and it’s just not worth it.

As a real estate investor, you need all the details in order to stay within the guidelines of the law. Let’s take a look at the process and penalties for violating Philadelphia zoning laws.

If the city discovers a zoning law violation in one of your properties, there are two things that could happen. One possible penalty is a fine of up to several hundred dollars. Until the violation is addressed and remedied, the fine can be assessed daily, and in that case, hundreds of dollars add up to tens of thousands in no time.

The other possible penalty for violating Philadelphia zoning laws can be added on to the first, or either penalty can stand alone. This penalty allows the city to have the authority to deliver an order that forces any current construction on the property to stop, as well as forcing the evacuation of any inhabitants that reside or utilize the property. This penalty typically stands until all violations are addressed and the property is brought up to the code that the Philadelphia zoning laws require.

While Philadelphia zoning laws may be tough, they are there for the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the city. As tough as the laws may be, the penalties for violations are even tougher.

If you’re a real estate investor or planning on becoming one, make sure and give it due diligence in order to do things the right way. You’ll be within the law, you won’t face one of the steep penalties, your tenants will be safe and cared for, and you’ll have the peace of mind knowing things are running smoothly, running properly, and you will be able to enjoy a nice return on your investment.

If you have any questions or concerns about your property’s zoning compliance, please contact us at Pritzker Law Group. We specialize in real estate law so you can rest assured your property won’t be subject to penalties.